Wow, can this already be the end of the summer term? It is and I cannot believe how much information I am walking away with. Like Buddha, I feel enlightened, but in a different way of course! I have gained insight into various religions that I honestly knew nothing about, learned to have a deeper appreciation for the cultures of people and have a high level understanding of some of the challenges that face our world today. A lot of this I can't say I would have taken the time to learn on my own, just because of how busy life is. I am thankful for the opportunity to have learned all of this and more throughout the class.
Something else I have learned in this course are additional ways to utilize technology. For example, right now I am blogging which is something I have never tried to do before but have always wanted to do. For my final project, I learned how to use Windows Movie Maker for the first time and had a lot of fun with it! I also have become more efficient at communicating in a virtual learning environment, which ironically will help me in my profession.
I was surprised to find some of the issues in our world still exist. Being here in America, we sometimes lose sight of how privileged we are when some countries are struggling to maintain a quality life that we would probably consider poverty. I was also surprised to learn more about my family culture and religion throughout taking this cluster of courses.
There is only one more thing I wish and that is more time to understand our world further. While there may never be enough time, I can say I am glad to have taken this cluster of courses and glad that I had the chance to interact and learn with a lot of great people. This has been an experience that has elevated my awareness as a human in this world.
Thanks for a great 11 weeks!
- John