In the text this week there was a case study on India vs. China in relation to population and family planning programs. While both countries clearly have incentive programs for helping to control the population, they have very different circumstances.
India provided monetary compensation for sterilization until 1977, at which point sterilization was emphasized as a voluntary action. Today, sterilization still occurs but primarily it is women who have had children that seek out this option. Contraceptives and other forms of birth control are provided either free or reduced cost.
China handles things a little different; they seem quite content with their current policies in relation to family planning. Because they are still trying to reduce their crude birth rate, they have strict marriage laws in place and even stricter laws for having children; couples actually need a permit to have a child! Additionally, if they agree to only have one child they are compensated financially and rewarded with better housing options, etc. While there are wider plans in place for couples wanting more children, I can't help but ponder what life in America would be like if we had these policies are others in place to control population growth and it's affect on our world?
I personally would be in favor of couples having to obtain permission before having a child here in America. I don't believe that we need to limit one child per family, but I am in favor of people considering their own actions before adding to the population. We clearly have to do no more than turn on the nightly news to see how such simple measure could benefit our country. While contraceptives and abortion are options available in America, they are not always favored. How would applied measures such as what takes place in China or India affect our population and economy here in America? Is Family Planning something we should consider?
I would love to hear your thoughts!
- John
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