Monday, June 11, 2012

Assessing at the Start - Week 2

Week 2 Already!

In looking over all of the course materials, it seems hard to believe that we will cover everything laid out for us in just 12 weeks.  I know that they will fly by!  Even in accomplishing all of the tasks laid before me, I know that we will only scratch the surface of many topics introduced within this cluster course.

One thing I am excited about, is diving into the "Religions of the World" book and "One World, Many Cultures" book.  Understanding more about various cultures and sampling some of the readings derived from individuals cultural experiences is exciting!  One thing I love to do is discuss at both a high and detailed level what I have uncovered and learned.  This is a strength I feel I will bring to the class.

The geography concepts may pose a challenge to me.  Although some of the concepts are review, I have not been exposed to them in quite some time.  Getting my personal bearings at first and being able to put it all together with statistical information will be something for me to tackle.  I am hoping that my parts I am excited about will aid me in my potential challenges.

I am excited for what this class will do for me.  Not only from a knowledge perspective, but also for future travel plans.  I love to travel and want to do more of it.  I am looking for this cluster at Bellevue University to help me decide future places I want to visit, things to do and take in culture that I will appreciate!

- John

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